Safety & Security On Campus
Campus Safety and Klamath Falls Police Department
Oregon Tech and the Klamath Falls Police Department (KFPD) have a long history of coordination and cooperation in responding to crime on campus and areas adjacent to campus.

Campus Safety is generally considered the "first responder" to campus incidents. All uniformed officers are State of Oregon employees. Under ORS 164.205, all officers are designated as “lawful persons in charge” with authorization to direct persons to leave the campus and initiate subsequent law-enforcement intervention for crime and university violations.
All officers are trained in first aid and CPR procedures. They conduct foot, bike and vehicular patrols of the university facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
KFPD is the “primary” law enforcement agency in Klamath Falls. They have jurisdiction and will respond upon request, to all crimes against the State of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS). The Klamath County Sheriff’s Office and Oregon State Police will also respond to calls from campus.
Any major crime incidents on campus will generally be handled by or include KFPD in cooperation with Campus Safety personnel. As a general operating procedure, KFPD will conduct all investigations and make arrests as the responsible law-enforcement jurisdiction.
Crime Prevention and Education
Campus Safety, staff, faculty and students continually work together on personal safety and preparedness to assist others in time of need. This strategy works. Each individual is responsible for taking basic precautions such as walking in pairs at night or high-risk periods, locking office and car doors and securing personal valuables when unattended. Campus Safety is always available to meet with individuals, groups and clubs to discuss safety, crime-prevention methods and related issues.
Campus Safety actively supports crime prevention through a number of activities. Uniformed officers provide educational talks, workshops and information exchanges throughout the academic year.
Campus Safety personnel provide the following crime-prevention services:
- Daily incident and crime reports
- Crime information and data to local police agencies
- Resident Advisor support
- Orientation programming for new students
When campus crimes occur, Campus Safety will notify the campus community to educate and inform members as a crime deterrent. If you have information or questions, contact Campus Safety at 541.885.1111.

In the event of a crime or emergency, contact Campus Safety at 541.885.0911. This number will reach Campus Safety. Dialing 911 will reach the Klamath County Dispatcher. One or more agencies will respond immediately.
Building Access and Safety
Campus buildings are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Access to buildings is limited during evenings and weekends. Campus Safety officers secure the campus beginning at 5 p.m., except where evening classes meet. All buildings are locked after evening activity is completed.
Unauthorized entry to, or use of, the college facilities, including buildings and grounds, is prohibited. Building access for special use or use during non-business hours requires prior approval. If you are working alone or will be in your building after normal work hours or on weekends, notify Campus Safety of your entry time and location. This is for your safety. Report all strangers or suspicious activity in your building to Campus Safety immediately.

Members of the campus community are issued keys to help access their place of business on campus. If a key is lost, misplaced or stolen, it should be reported to Campus Safety immediately. Campus keys may not be duplicated, transferred or loaned to others.
Report all lost keys immediately to your supervisor and the Campus Safety Department.
Building Access
Campus buildings are open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Access to buildings is limited during evenings and weekends. Campus Safety officers secure the campus beginning at 5 p.m., except where evening classes meet. All buildings are locked after evening activity is completed.
Faculty and staff members without a key who need access to a building may request assistance after proper clearance or verification.
Security of Campus Grounds
The university is strongly committed to campus safety and security. Parking lots, pedestrian walkways, high-traffic areas, buildings, exterior lighting and grounds are checked nightly during routine patrols. Doors are secured each evening. Shrubs, trees and vegetation are trimmed regularly by Facility Services. Members of the campus community are encourage to report all hazards, exterior-lighting deficiencies or grounds problems to Facility Services at 541.885.1690.