Getting Started
Here are the recommended steps to utilize your VA benefit as efficiently as possible:
- Review the VA website and determine which educational benefits (programs/chapter) you are eligible for.
- Apply for admission and get admitted to Oregon Tech. Note: you may only receive VA benefits for two terms without being fully-admitted to Oregon Tech (i.e. a non-degree student).
- Complete VA Application for education benefits.
- Submit a Certificate of Eligibility (sent via mail once your VA application has been processed) to the campus-specific School Certifying Official.
Transfer Students
If you are transferring from another higher education institution with 36 credits or more and are a veteran, welcome! Here are some steps to assist in the transfer process:
- Send all transcripts to the Registrar’s Office ( To include the military transcript or Joint Services Transcripts (JST), please request them from the JST website. Oregon Tech adheres to ACE-recommended guidelines for transfer credit evaluation. Military experience is currently not evaluated, but Oregon Tech can accept military credit or courses. You will receieve an individual evaluation specific to your major and circumstances.
- As a transfer student, you can transfer and apply up to 75% of the degree from another institution and/or military credit. The remainder of the degree pursued must be completed with Oregon Tech. An evaluated education plan will be provided within 60 days after you have selected a degree program and all required official transcripts have been received.
Chapter 30 and 1606 students must verify enrollment monthly by Web Automated Verification of Enrollment, WAVE. This generates your VA payment.
Note: Check your Oregon Tech email regularly as this is our official means of communication. Remember-VA will only pay for courses that apply to your specific Oregon Tech program!
Benefit payments are made directly to students (with the exception of Chapter 33 tuition payment), unless advance payment is requested (see Advance Payment section). The payment is made to the student for the number of days the student is certified for the month. If a student is certified for a whole month, the full monthly benefit is paid. If the student is only certified for part of the month, the benefit is prorated as follows:
VA uses a 30-day month. Divide the monthly rate by 30 to get the daily rate. If a student is certified from the 1st through the 15th, the student is certified 15 days and is entitled to 15/30ths of the full monthly benefit. Example: If the monthly benefit is $100.00 and the student is certified 1/1/04 through 1/15/04, the student is entitled to $50.00 ($3.33 per day for 15 days). If the student is certified 1/16/04 through 1/31/04, the student is entitled to $50.00 ($3.33 per day for 15 days). If the student is certified 1/1/04 through 1/31/04, the student is entitled to $100.00 (a full months benefit). Remember, VA uses a 30-day month: 1/16 through 1/30 (or 1/31) pays is 15 days and 2/16 through 2/28 (or 2/29) is 15 days. The month rounds out to 30 days.
Standard benefit rates are described in the monthly rates section. An additional kicker may be paid to some chapter 30 and chapter 1606 students. If a student paid for part of a month is subsequently certified for the next quarter, VA will automatically pay the break between the quarters if interval pay (break pay) can be paid.