The SPGA office requires at least fourteen (14) working days’ notification prior to the proposal due date for processing.
Procedures, forms, and additional information for Oregon Tech researchers can be found on SPGA's internal website, in TechWeb here.
Pre-Award: Faculty (PI)
Complete and Signed PAF (Proposal Approval Form)
Complete the Proposal Approval Form (PAF) and submit it to SPGA for review. The PAF should be submitted electronically via the link provided on the SPGA internal website. Please do not elicit signatures for this document just yet! The PAF should be completed thoroughly--be sure to look at the detailed instructions attached to the form. When your completed form is accepted by SPGA, it will be distributed for signatures through DocuSign. The PAF requires that you include a proposal narrative, including the Scope of Work (SOW), budget, and all deliverables.
Budget (Budget Template Form)
The Draft Budget you turn in to SPGA must include direct costs, F&A (indirect) costs, and a total of the two. The Budget should be both referenced within the proposal and attached to the completed PAF.
Scope of Work
This is a brief description of the work to be performed under the agreement. The Scope of Work should be both referenced within the proposal and attached to the completed PAF.
Sponsor Contact Information
Please provide SPGA with any name(s) and contact information (e-mail, address, phone, fax) of contract administrators for the other party when turning in your PAF.
Pre-Proposal Agreements/Arrangements
Pre-Proposal Agreements/Arrangements include verbal discussions or agreements between the PI and the Sponsor prior to the proposal submission. SPGA needs to know any agreed promises, and/ or expectations that have developed in order to evaluate and incorporate them into the proposal.
The Sponsored Projects Office is the University's authorized officiant that submits ALL Proposals to sponsors.

- SPGA and the PI work together in order to record all expenditures and commitments in a timely and accurate manner for invoicing.
- SPGA monitors active contracts to ensure contract terms are met within the time limit of the grant.
- Closeout
SPGA Submits the following to Agencies on the Principal Investigator's behalf:
- Invoices (Including the Final Invoice)
- Financial Reports
- Final Progress Reports (Please submit to
Any additional materials must be submitted to the agency by the PI.
To Oregon Tech SPGA, Compliance means ensuring that all grant and contract-funded employees are university employees who are treated like all other employees. The Project Director/Principal Investigator also agrees that employees hired as part of the grant must be paid, provided benefits, and given employment conditions according to the university’s policies and procedures.