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Meet the OP Crew!


The Outdoor Program is a student-fee-funded and student-led organization that allows students to enjoy beautiful scenery that surrounds them for an extremely low & reasonable price!

Joshua_OP Staff 2023
Klamath Falls

Joshua, Student Director

My name is Joshua Bettencourt, I'm studying mechanical engineering. I really enjoy playing soccer, mountain biking, and pretty much anything outdoor-related. I'm definitely a big mountain person! I love to ski and hike! It's just so much fun, and there are so many rad places to go! My biggest fear would be not living my life to the fullest.

Ethan Outdoor Program
Klamath Falls

Ethan, Equipment Manager

Hi, my name is Ethan Chirnside; I’m studying geomatics surveying here at OIT. I enjoy all things outdoors, but I like to split most of my time between skiing and mountain biking. I also enjoy sports climbing, fishing, disc golf, and BMX. I’m from California, and my favorite place to get lost in the mountains is the east side of the sierras, particularly Bridgeport and Mammoth. I’ve really enjoyed exploring what adventures the mountains around us hold and I hope to see you guys on the trails or out on the slopes! 

OP Staff_Angelina
Klamath Falls

Angelina, Communications Manager

Hi, my name is Angelina and I am studying Environmental Science!! I'm originally from Canada but have grown up exploring the Oregon forests. I enjoy skiing and tearing it up on the mountain. If there's not snow on the ground, you can find me hiking or hammocking, enjoying nature. My favorite place to adventure is the beautiful landscapes of British Columbia. My biggest fear is small spaces which is probably why I love the openness of the outdoors!


Alyssa_OP Staff 2023
Klamath Falls

Alyssa, Trip Coordinator

Hello! My name is Alyssa Harris and I am studying Environmental Science. Some of my favorite outdoor activities are hiking, camping, and swimming. My favorite place to do these things is in or near Rocky Mountain National Park in my home state of Colorado. Despite my love of swimming, I am scared of deep water and what my be lurking.

OP Staff_Stephen
Klamath Falls

Stephen, Student Director

Heyo! My name is Stephen, and I am studying Software Engineering. I enjoy doing almost anything outdoors, but my top 4 would probably be surfing, skiing, hiking, and climbing.

I grew up in the Umpqua Valley, so a lot of my favorite places are up the North Umpqua River and the surrounding areas. My biggest fear is looking back a few months and not seeing any personal growth.


Tegan - Outdoor Program
Klamath Falls

Tegan, Trip Coordinator

Hi, my name is Tegan Running! I’m studying environmental science. I love being outdoors, and some of my favorite activities are backpacking, hiking, kayaking, and playing soccer. But I am always up to learning new things! My favorite place outdoors is up in the Northern Cascades. My biggest fear is probably really, really big cruise ships… never going on one of those.

Jehu_OP Staff 2023
Klamath Falls

Jehu, Treasure

Hi, I’m Jehu Morning and I am studying Biology-Health Sciences. My favorite outdoor activity is hiking, especially in the Desolation Wilderness area of Northern California. My biggest fear is ocean sharks. 


Mason  - Outdoor Program
Klamath Falls

Mason, Trip Coordinator”

Hello, my name is Mason Smith! I am pursuing a master's in civil engineering. My favorite outdoor activity is skiing and or backpacking. I also enjoy many other outdoor activities, such as lead climbing, fishing, hiking, running, canoeing, and many more! My favorite spot in the outdoors has to be back in my home state of Colorado, in the White River National Forest. Here in Oregon, however, I would say my favorite place outdoors is Mountain Lakes Wilderness. Hope to see you out in the wilderness! 

PS. There is nothing scarier than wet hiking socks.

Reilly  - Outdoor Program
Klamath Falls

Reilly, Trip Coordinator

I'm Reilly, and I'm studying to get my Doctor of Physical Therapy DPT! I grew up in the Portland area, and I love pretty much everything in the outdoors. My favorite outdoor activates are skiing, hiking, camping, swimming, and playing soccer. My favorite place is anywhere in the Cascades, from the rivers to the mountains to the lakes - there are endless places and things to explore in the Pacific Northwest.


Aleksen  - Outdoor Program
Klamath Falls

Aleksen, Trip Coordinator

Hello! My name is Aleksen Thayer! I'm studying software engineering and I enjoy all things outdoors. In the summer I love to sail, boat, hike, and in the winters I love to ski and snowboard. I grew up in Lake Tahoe so I've been skiing since I could walk. I've spent every summer on the lake and every winter on the mountain. Tahoe is my favorite place to do outdoor activities, but I do like skiing at Park City and Copper Mountain.

Logan  - Outdoor Program
Klamath Falls

Logan, Trip Coordinator

Hello! My name is Logan Miller, and I am studying Mechanical Engineering. My favorite things to do are skiing, fly fishing, and mountain biking! My favorite place to be is back home in the Tongass National Forest of Southeast Alaska. I'm always down for an adventure and to find new places to get lost! Hope to see you guys out on the mountain, on trails, or at the river!