Federal regulations require students receiving aid under Title IV programs must maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible for the funds.

At Oregon Tech, academic progress is evaluated at the end of each term. Students who maintain term and cumulative GPAs of at least 2.0, complete 67% of their term and cumulative attempted credits (Pace), and complete their degree within a prescribed time frame (150%) will be making satisfactory academic progress. All credits transferred to Oregon Tech are included when evaluating satisfactory academic progress. This includes credits taken with and without financial aid assistance.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements:

Grade Point Average (GPA) Minimum GPA of 2.0 must be maintained on a term and cumulative basis.
Pace Students must maintain Pace by completing 67% of attempted credits each term and cumulatively. Pace is defined by number of completed credits divided by number of attempted credits, for every term and cumulatively.

Credit is earned for A, B, C, and D grades. W, I, and F grades do not earn credit.
Maximum Allowed Credits Programs must be completed within 150% of the expected credits.

150% of most Oregon Tech Bachelor's is 279 Credits.

Other programs max credits are:
  • Pre-Medical Imaging 75
  • Pre-Dental Hygiene 75
  • Pre-Nursing 80
  • Pre-Respiratory Care 89
  • EMT-Paramedic 162
  • Medical Laboratory Science 275

What does SAP Stand for?


First time a student fails to maintain pace or a 2.0 GPA for a term.

Student will receive an email regarding warning. Warnings do not hold aid for at least one payment period.

It is recommended to seek assistance with an academic advisor or the Student Success Center.


Students receive holds if they:

·Have exceeded the 150% maximum time frame of allowed credits

·Did not maintain Pace for a consecutive term or cumulatively

·Did not meet GPA requirements a second consecutive term or cumulatively

Student is placed on Financial Aid Suspension and will not receive aid. Eligibility may be reinstated if student can reestablish satisfactory academic progress without benefit of financial aid (2.0 and making pace) or appeal and be approved by the financial aid appeal committee.

Students will receive an email and a letter regarding hold. Web for Student accounts will include details of the hold and which requirement was not met.

Holds may be appealed. GPA and Pace holds use the Satisfactory Appeal Progress Form. Max Credits can be appealed with the Max Credits Appeal form.

If you have extenuating circumstance you may appeal your hold.

To appeal (and be granted probation) students must submit a narrative/statement that states why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress and what has changed in the students situation to allow satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation. If the appeal is based on a death or illness, documentation should be attached that demonstrates the issue.

Students may be scheduled to meet with a financial aid appeals committee. Student will be notified in writing of the outcome of their appeal, sent to their Oregon Tech e-mail account.

If you wish to appeal a hold on your financial aid based on extenuating circumstances, the following steps will remain unchanged:

  1. Obtain a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form (www.oit.edu/faid/forms)
  2. Complete the appeal form according to instructions. You must meet with your academic advisor and complete a term planner to be submitted with your appeal.
  3. Submit the form to the Oregon Tech Financial Aid Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 17th for Winter term.  For further information, please see the appeal form or contact the Financial Aid Office. 

The Financial Aid Office will contact you via your Oregon Tech e-mail address or phone to confirm if your appeal has been approved or if you will be scheduled to go before the Financial Aid Committee. It is your responsibility to check your messages or contact the financial aid office to confirm your time.

It is always better to withdraw from a class rather than fail. In both cases you may be in jeopardy of not maintaining overall or term Pace, but an "F" grade will also lower your GPA.

Incompletes are treated as unearned credits until they are graded. In general, if you complete the coursework by the end of the next term with a "C" or better, it will not adversely affect your aid eligibility. However, if you fail to maintain term Pace (67%), regardless if they are "F", "W", or "I", you will be on financial aid warning.

Courses taken for audit do not count towards credits needed to be eligible for financial aid.

Financial Aid Office


The appeal deadline for Winter term is 5:00 p.m. Wednesday January 17th. For further information, please see the appeal form or contact the Financial Aid Office.