By completing the FAFSA, you are applying for all types of Federal and State aid available. This includes:
- Federal Pell Grants
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
- Oregon Opportunity Grant (for Oregon Residents)
- Federal Direct Loan Programs (Stafford and Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students)
- Alternative Loans
- Federal Work Study Program
View a complete description of the federally funded financial aid programs online, or pick up a Student Guide at the Oregon Tech Financial Aid Office. Listed below is some summary information about grants and loans currently being offered at Oregon Tech.
Grants (Gift aid that requires no repayment)
Federal Pell Grant:
- $767 - $7395 (set by Federal Government)
- The Pell Grant has a lifetime limit of 6 full years or its equivalency
- Eligibility is determined by need
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG):
- $600 at Oregon Tech
- Available only to students who are eligible for the Pell Grant
Oregon State Opportunity Grant:
- For Oregon residents to use at an Oregon college
- The Oregon Student Assistance Commission determines eligibility
- Awards vary
- Students must be undergraduates
- Pro-rated awards are available for part-time students
Employment (Money that can be earned through a part-time job)
Federal Work-Study Program (FWSP):
Visit Handshake for job postings.
- $2,500 initial award
- Work at Oregon Tech approved FWSP position or at an approved Work-Study site
- Must be enrolled at least half-time and have financial need
- A listing of NON Work-Study part-time jobs can also be found at Oregon Tech Career Services or online. Any Oregon Tech student can apply for these jobs. No financial aid application is required.