Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, the professional dental hygiene program in Salem (45 minutes south of Portland) is the result of a unique partnership between Oregon Tech and Chemeketa Community College.
Students in this program are dual-enrolled at both Oregon Tech and Chemeketa Community College (CCC), which allows Salem students to complete General Education/Studies courses through CCC. Enrollment in pre-dental hygiene courses is open to anyone meeting Chemeketa admission requirements. Enrollment in the professional program is competitive and limited to 20 students each year.
Dental hygiene classes are taught on the Chemeketa campus with an occasional mix of online learning in Chemeketa's state of the art Health & Science Building. Students learn and practice dental hygiene skills in the campus-based clinic where they see and treat patients.

One year of prerequisite (pre-dental hygiene) coursework is required for students prior to entry into the professional program. Pre-requisite courses may be taken at Chemeketa or any community college or university and transferred in to Oregon Tech following our transfer guide.
Further information regarding the Dental Hygiene program in Salem may be found at Chemeketa Community College's Dental Hygiene page.
Dental Hygiene Clinic
The Dental Hygiene Clinic offers the following services:
- Dental X-rays
- Dental exam
- Cleanings
- Fluoride Treatment
- Sealants
- Small Fillings
For further information regarding the Oregon Tech Dental Hygiene Clinic in Salem, please contact:
Oregon Tech Dental Hygiene Clinic4000 Lancaster DR NE
Salem, OR 97305