Dental Hygiene Applications Klamath Falls & Salem Campuses

Dental Hygiene ZOOM Admissions Information Sessions are held each Fall and Winter term to review the application requirements and application step-by-step instructions.

For more information please email:

The Dental Hygiene application will open on November 12, 2024.
The Dental Hygiene Application Deadline for Fall 2025 is Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

DHE 100 Introduction to Dental Hygiene

If you are taking pre-dental hygiene courses at a community college and planning to transfer to one of Oregon Tech’s dental hygiene programs you will need to take DHE 100-Introduction to Dental Hygiene. DHE 100 is offered online every term. You will see a document for registration instructions on the right side bar by clicking this link:  DHE100 registration information . You must successfully complete or be in process of completing DHE 100 at the time of program application or by the end of spring term of the year of application.

Before you Apply

Before you apply to the Dental Hygiene program at Oregon Tech, read over "Things to Know Before You Apply" as it covers important topics such as program accreditation, philosophy, expectations, and ethics.

Required Courses

2025 Application to the Dental Hygiene Program

Pre-Dental Hygiene Courses Required for Dental Hygiene Application
BIO 231Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
BIO 232Human Anatomy & Physiology II4
BIO 233Human Anatomy & Physiology III4
CHE 101/104General Chemistry with Lab (Math100 or higher required as a pre-requisite or co-requisite)4
DHE 100Introduction to Dental Hygiene (taken online through Oregon Tech)2
BIO 205Nutrition3
BIO 105 or
BIO 234
WRI 121ZComposition I
or Prior Course Name & Number: WRI 121 English Composition
WRI 122Z OR WRI 227ZComposition II or Technical Writing
or Prior Course Names & Numbers: WRI 122 Argumentative Writing or WRI 227 Technical Report Writing
COM 111ZPublic Speaking
or Prior Course Name & Number: SPE 111 Public Speaking
MATH 95/100 or higherRequired for general admission to Oregon Tech and as a prerequisite for STAT243Z 
 Pre-Requisite Credit Hours Required37
Recommended Courses
The following courses are recommended to be taken during the pre-dental hygiene year but will not be included in the dental hygiene application.
PSYPsychology Elective3
SOC Sociology Elective3
STAT 243ZElementary Statistics I
Or Prior Course Name & Number: MATH 243 Introductory Statistics
*Pre-Requisite Course or Placement Test Required

 *Recommended courses are required for BSDH degree and recommended to be taken in Freshman year but can be taken later. 

Transfer Guide for Students with Previous College Credits

Visit the Oregon Tech transfer guide and transfer equivalency database to identify how courses from a partner community college or university will transfer to Dental Hygiene. For other inquiries or further questions, please contact an advisor at your school for help in scheduling or transfer questions.

Dual Enrollment

Visit our Dual Enrollment page for more information on enrolling in a community college.