Dental Hygiene Applications Klamath Falls & Salem Campuses

Dental Hygiene ZOOM Admissions Information Sessions are held each Fall and Winter term to review the application requirements and application step-by-step instructions.

For more information please email:

The Dental Hygiene application will open on November 12, 2024.
The Dental Hygiene Application Deadline for Fall 2025 is Wednesday, April 2, 2025.

Step 1: Take the online DHE 100 course from Oregon Tech

Note: See instructions on how to register for DHE 100 here:


DHE 100 Registration Instructions

Step 2:  Apply for General Admission to Oregon Institute of Technology (by March 1st)

Apply to Oregon Tech, submit all college and high school transcripts, and pay the $50 Admission Fee.

The dental hygiene department highly recommends applying by March 1, so the Oregon Tech Admission Office can process all college and high school transcripts for full admission status.

Note: For full consideration of scholarship eligibility, students should be admitted by March 1.

If you have only taken DHE 100 in the last three terms, or you are a new student to Oregon Tech, you must complete this application.   
Instructions: Click on this link: 

  • Scroll to “Apply As An Undergraduate” and click on the picture 

  • Select: Transfer if you have only taken DHE100 at Oregon Tech. Then click on the blue box “Apply as a Transfer Student” 

  • For transfer requirements and information, please see

  • Select: Re-Admit if you have applied in previous years to the University (not including DHE 100). Click on the blue box “Apply as a Re-Admit Student” 

  • Then fill out the application

Your application cannot be reviewed until you are a fully admitted degree-seeking student at Oregon Tech for Fall Term 2025.  

**Note: Do not pay the $100 enrollment deposit until you have been offered and accepted a seat in our dental hygiene program.

Step 3: Complete Oregon Tech Dental Hygiene Application

Only one dental hygiene application is needed for either campus. Campus preference can be selected within the application.   
The $75 processing fee within the application can be paid with credit or debit card. Your application will not be reviewed until this fee has been paid.  

Pre-dental hygiene courses: All courses must be complete by the end of Spring Term. Exception: BIO 233 that may be taken in summer term but must be completed by the end of summer term.

NOTE: For pre-requisite courses, please see Pre-Dental Hygiene. Click here, for Pre-Dental Hygiene page.

Transcripts: Please DO NOT send college transcripts to the Dental Hygiene Department. 

All transcripts must be sent to the Oregon Tech Office of Admissions. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions at or (800)422-2017. To have your application evaluated, transcripts with completed pre-dental hygiene course grades must be sent at the end of Winter Term. 

Note: If you are currently taking pre-dental hygiene courses, you will wait to submit your dental hygiene application until you have received your winter term grades. You will also send winter term transcripts to admissions for confirmation of these grades. If taking pre-dental hygiene courses in Spring and/or Summer Term, transcripts with grades must also be sent at the end of each of these terms. 

Dental Hygiene Application

Step 4: Interview Day, Friday, April 25, 2025

For both Klamath Falls and Salem campuses (by invitation only)

Interview invitations will be sent via email by April 18th. Interviews will be conducted via ZOOM.

Note: You will receive the interview Zoom link from the dental hygiene department via email and a response will be needed to confirm your interview.

Selection Criteria for Interview Day invitations will be based on:

  • Oregon Tech general admission status
  • Program Application submitted by April 2, 2025
  • Dental Hygiene Application fee of $75.00 paid by April 2, 2025
  • Minimum Cumulative GPA 2.75
  • Required Pre-dental hygiene courses GPA

Selection Criteria for a seat at either program site will be based on all the criteria above and:

  • Minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.75
  • Required Pre-dental hygiene courses GPA
  • Personal Interview via Zoom on Friday, April 25th (By Invitation Only)
  • Overall transcript review (such as but not limited to: the number of required and recommended pre-dental hygiene/pre-requisite courses completed at the time of application and completion of courses beyond pre-requisites)

Additional consideration:

  • Students who have completed at least 50% of pre-dental hygiene courses through Oregon Tech or Chemeketa Community College

Final acceptance of selected students is contingent upon the following:

  • Successful completion (C or better) of all required pre-dental hygiene courses by the end of Spring term 2025. This includes DHE 100. The only exception is BIO 233 which must be completed by the end of summer term.  Psychology, Intro to Sociology, and Statistics are recommended to be taken during the freshman year but will not be included in the dental hygiene application.
  • Successful completion of passing background check and drug test.  
  • Providing proof of all required immunizations.  
  • Instructions for verification will be provided to students in the dental hygiene program welcome packet.
  • Oregon Tech complies with vaccination requirements as outlined for Health Care Workers by the Oregon Health Authority and is subject to change.