Together, let's create a SAFE CAMPUS at Oregon Tech!
Submitting a report is the best way to help us all be safe. These are directed to specific employees who can respond, reach out, or provide resources based on the issue, need, complaint, or concern.
Safe Campus Objectives:
- To support a safe, secure environment that promotes inclusiveness
- To cultivate open dialogue, appreciation of diversity, and understanding
- To combat prejudice and promote equality
- To provide education, facilitation and resources
- To serve as an advocate for those alienated and marginalized by society
Oregon Tech is committed to student success and cultivating positive working and social relations among diverse groups on campus. Through such programs as Safe Campus, we are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment that allows everyone to feel like they belong and are welcomed, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, age, ability or socio-economic status.
Safe Campus is a shared vision and a collaborative effort by Oregon Tech's administrators, faculty and students. The Oregon Tech community has a right to a safe campus, free of discrimination and violence. While our focus is on academic achievement, building and supporting an inclusive community that encourages personal growth and mutual awareness is a top priority.
Safe Campus Departments & Partners
Safe Campus Resources
Reporting at Oregon Tech
- Title IX Office: 541.885.0182; Snell 105 & 106; TitleIX@oit.edu
- Campus Safety: 541.885.0911 (emergency)
- Campus Safety: 541.885.1111 (non-emergency); Cornett Hall 231; Report an Incident Online
- Student Affairs: 541.885.1011; College Union 217
- Any Oregon Tech Employee (read more about Responsible Employees on the definitions page)
- Integrated Student Health Center Staff: 541.885.1800
Frequently Asked Questions
- Oregon Tech (OT) will help to ensure that the person who experiences sexual violence is safe, including while the investigation is ongoing. OT will take interim measures as needed.
- OT will respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual violence.
- If OT knows (or should reasonably know) about possible sexual violence, it will promptly conduct a neutral investigation to determine what occurred and then take appropriate steps to resolve the situation.
- The person who experienced sexual violence will be informed of their options to notify law enforcement. If there is a criminal investigation, OT will continue its efforts to resolve reports promptly and effectively.
- Complainant and Respondent will have timely access to information that will be used in a student conduct hearing.
- Complainant and Respondent will both have the opportunity to have an advisor present, present evidence, and have witnesses speak during disciplinary proceedings.
- Both parties will be informed in writing of the outcome of any OT disciplinary proceeding.
- Both parties have a right to appeal the decision.