The Oregon Tech Board of Trustees is the governing body of Oregon's only polytechnic university; each member is proudly appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Senate. The 15 member board is made up of 11 at-large members each appointed to serve a 4-year term; the University President who is a non-voting, ex-officio member; and the faculty, staff, and student members who are each appointed to a 2-year term.

Oregon Tech Board Members Photo 2024

The Oregon Tech Board of Trustees is made up of 14 individuals with varying backgrounds from entrepreneurs and elected officials to CEOs, consultants and managers. The Board includes one student, faculty and staff member of the University, and the University President as an ex-officio, non-voting member. The voting members were nominated by the Governor and approved by the Senate.

The Board's role is to approve the University's mission, programs, budgets, and strategies. The Board has very broad authority to manage and govern the University. Among it's abilities, the Board can:

  • Appoint and employ a President.
  • Approve the University budget.
  • Borrow money and issue bonds secured by University revenue.
  • Establish any and all University policies.
  • Set tuition, mandatory enrollment fees, and charges, fines, and fees for services (an increase to resident undergraduate tuition and enrollment fees is limited to a 5% cap absent approval from the Higher Education Coordinating Commission or the Legislature).
  • Acquire, hold, and dispose of property.
  • Establish, supervise and control academic and other programs (significant changes are subject to approval of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission).
  • Authorize the construction, improvement, and operation of any kind of building or structure.

Board Values Statement

​As a board, the Trustees pledge to work together to develop a culture characterized by:

  • Above all else, an unwavering commitment to students and their success;
  • Ethical, humble stewardship, always mindful of fiduciary responsibilities and the public trust;
  • Transparency in all communications, guided by integrity, equity and fairness;
  • Mutual trust in one other and in the decisions of the Board as a Whole;
  • Empowerment of and trust in the president to accomplish the institution’s shared goals through delegated authorities and clear, strategic direction;
  • Valuing the contributions of faculty and their role in shared governance, student success, and the academic enterprise;
  • An inclusive, collaborative and safe environment which respects and values the diverse perspectives of all stakeholders;
  • An expectation that every Trustee be a prepared, engaged, and contributing member, committed to robust, constructive debate and a shared agenda; and willing to meet challenges head-on and make difficult decisions;
  • A deliberative, consistent and mindful decision-making process that enlists confidence and has credibility with stakeholders;
  • An entrepreneurial approach to problem solving that is agile and open to change in a continuous effort to improve the overall enterprise; and
  • A commitment to making a difference for individuals and for the State of Oregon by adding value for our students, faculty, staff and campus community through diligent governance, oversight, and strategic direction.

Board Member




Cecelia Amuchastegui  (Cec)
Strategic planning/teacher evaluation education consultant


Co-Chair - Academic Quality
 and Student Success 


July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2027

Stefan Bird
President and CEO of Pacific Power

Finance and Facilities


July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026

David Cauble
President and Chief Executive Officer at Sky Lakes Medical Center
Academic Quality and 
Student Success


July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2027

John Davis
Business, nonprofit, and estate planning
attorney at Lynch Murphy McLane, LLP

Chair - Board



July 1, 2022 to June 30 2026

Vijay Dhir, Ph.D.
Professor in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
at the University of California, Los Angeles
Finance and Facilities


July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2027

Johnnie Early II, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor of the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
at Florida A&M University


Academic Quality and 
Student Success


July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2027

Don Gentry
Natural Resources Specialist for the Klamath Tribes
Academic Quality and 
Student Success


July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2027

Kanth Gopalpur
Involved in Oregon’s entrepreneurial
ecosystem for over 25 years


Finance and Facilities


July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026

Vincent Jones, PE
Retired Civil Engineer
Oregon Tech Alumni

Vice Chair - Board


Chair - Finance and Facilities 


July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2026

Nagi Naganathan, PhD, ASME Fellow
Oregon Tech President



Celia Núñez-Flores
Deputy Director of the Higher Education Coordinating Commission


Co-Chair - Academic Quality
 and Student Success 


July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026

Mike Starr
Boeing Global Services Vertical Leader of Actuation
Finance and Facilities 


July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2026

Keegan Dentinger
Oregon Tech Staff
Academic Quality and 
Student Success


October 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026

Dr. Mark Nuepert, PH.D
Oregon Tech Faculty
Academic Quality and 
Student Success


Term ends June 30, 2026

Aaron Hill
Oregon Tech Student
Academic Quality and 
Student Success


Terms ends June 30, 2026